Leave the bandage on for an hour or two, you will not need to re bandage your tattoo.
Wash with a fragrance and dye free hand soap 2-3 times a day. This is especially important the first few days. Lather with a clean hand, rinse, and pat dry with a clean towel.
Around a day after receiving your new tattoo begin using a white and unscented hand lotion such as Lubriderm or Curel and apply 2-3 times a day.
For up to two weeks or until you have new skin. NO touching your tattoo unless you are cleaning it, NO soaking in any water, NO direct sunlight, and NO picking your tattoo.
Avoid over extending, stretching or rubbing your new tattoo. If you are to get stuck to any clothing wet the material to peel it off.
Remember, your body will heal the tattoo on it's own but following these after care instructions can make the process quicker and more comfortable. You DO NOT need any products other than what has been stated, or anything geared towards healing tattoos. With our body's built in healing mechanisms and a super plain hand lotion you are in good hands!